Re: Follow on from 'doctype question'

by Freda Lockert <fredalockert(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 29 Sep 2000 19:22:19 +0100
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
 References:  canopy
  todo: View Thread, Original
>WOW. You're right about those two elements!!
>Please note however, that the DTD *is* required.

Mr Fuzzy, I love you, you just saved me a load of typing.

I knew (I thought!) the <html> tag was optional IF there was a 
doctype, but the <head> being optional I'm puzzled by. This is from 
the spec:

"Every HTML document must have a TITLE element in the HEAD section."

If this is so, then every document must have a head section, or don't 
I understand my native language any more?? Can you create a 'head' 
section without <head>blurb</head>?

This was the response I got from

"The only people who still think unneeded codes are necessary are the W3
folks, who don't program browsers."

Tonight their site would not load with either NN4.74 or IE5 - both on 
a Mac - which I didn't mention before - sorry.


A man who would letterspace lower case would also steal sheep - Frederic Goudy

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